Hamilton Swimming Pool Cleaning & Repair

Hamilton Swimming Pool Cleaning & Repair

Pool Resurfacing

Looking for expert guidance on caring for your pool? At Hamilton Pools, we provide comprehensive pool care guidance to help you maintain a clean and healthy pool. Our team of professionals specializes in pro pool cleaning and repair, using top-of-the-line equipment like Pentair pumps and sand filters to ensure optimal performance.

If you're looking to add an element of fun and excitement to your pool, our water slides are a fantastic option. Perfect for both kids and adults, our water slides provide endless hours of entertainment and laughter. With different sizes and designs available, you can choose the slide that best suits your pool and your family's preferences.

Keep your pool's water clean and clear with Hamilton Pools' expertise in backwashing and filtration techniques. When it comes to pool cleaning and repair, our team is well-versed in the most effective methods for maintaining the cleanliness and clarity of your pool water. One crucial aspect of this maintenance is backwashing and utilizing proper filtration techniques.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if you put too much clarifier in your pool?

Clarifier overdose can cloud your pool instead of clearing it! Excess clarifier clumps particles together, forming a hazy film instead of settling to the bottom for easy vacuuming. Follow recommended dosages and avoid exceeding them!

What happens if pH is too high in pool?

High pH (above 7.8) makes water cloudy, irritates skin and eyes, and reduces chlorine effectiveness. It can also cause scaling on pool surfaces. Maintain ideal pH levels (7.2-7.8) for healthy and clear water!

Will a magic eraser help a green pool?

Don't rely on magic! A magic eraser might remove minor surface stains, but it won't tackle the root cause of a green pool - algae growth. Shock, proper water care, and filtration are the true heroes for achieving clear water!

How do I keep algae from coming back in my pool?

Prevention is key! Maintain proper water chemistry, including regular testing and balancing. Skim debris daily, brush surfaces weekly, and vacuum frequently. Invest in a quality pool cover to minimize exposure to contaminants and sunlight that promote algae growth!

What happens if you go in a pool that was just shocked?

Wait for the green light! Swimming too soon after shocking can expose you to high chlorine levels, leading to eye and skin irritation. Wait at least 24 hours for the chlorine levels to stabilize before taking a dip. Test the water first for peace of mind!