Hamilton Pool Care Specialists

Hamilton Pool Care Specialists

The Go-To Pool Cleaning Service

Now let's shift our focus to the comprehensive pool repair services offered by Hamilton Pools, ensuring that your pool remains in top-notch condition at all times. Our skilled swimming pool service technicians are equipped to handle all aspects of pool maintenance, including repairs. We begin with a thorough assessment of your pool's condition, checking the water chemistry to ensure a safe swimming environment. Our technicians are experts in identifying and treating common pool problems such as algae growth, mineral buildup, and microorganism presence.

In addition to their cleaning capabilities, our automated pool cleaners also contribute to the overall health and longevity of your pool. By removing debris and preventing it from settling on the pool's surface, they help to maintain proper water circulation and prevent clogging in the pool's filter system. This not only improves the efficiency of your pool's filtration system but also extends its lifespan, reducing the need for costly repairs.

By investing in regular maintenance, you not only extend the lifespan of your pool but also create a safe and inviting environment for yourself and your loved ones. Our commitment to customer satisfaction, expertise in pool care, and use of the best products and techniques in the industry make us the go-to choice for all your pool cleaning and repair needs.

Hamilton Pools

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Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I shock my pool?

Shocking frequency depends on various factors like pool usage, bather load, and weather conditions. Generally, shock your pool every two weeks during peak season and monthly during off-seasons. Monitor chlorine levels and algae growth to adjust the schedule as needed.

Can I add shock and chlorine at the same time?*

It's best to avoid it! Adding both simultaneously can overshoot chlorine levels and lead to irritation or damage. Shock first to address immediate issues, then wait 24 hours before adding regular chlorine to maintain sanitizer levels!

What are the three B's of pool cleaning?

Balance, Brush, and Backwash! Maintaining proper water chemistry (balance) is crucial. Regularly brushing surfaces keeps dirt and algae at bay. Backwashing your filter removes captured debris, ensuring optimal performance. Remember, these 3 Bs work together for a clean and healthy pool!

Are in ground pool cleaners worth it?

In-ground cleaners offer convenience and save time, but consider your needs and budget. Robotic cleaners handle routine cleaning, but might miss corners or require occasional manual assistance. Weigh factors like pool size, budget, and cleaning preferences before investing!

Is shock and chlorine the same thing?

No, although both are pool disinfectants, they work differently. Chlorine continuously sanitizes water, while shock (high-dose chlorine) targets built-up organic matter and contaminants. Think of regular chlorine as everyday cleaning, and shock as a deep clean to boost sanitation occasionally!