Hamilton Pool Sparkle & Shine

Hamilton Pool Sparkle & Shine

Weekly Pool cleaning Service

We understand that unexpected repairs can be a source of stress for pool owners. That's why we offer warranties on our services, so you can relax and enjoy your pool without worrying about potential problems. With our warranties, you can trust that our team will handle any repairs with the utmost professionalism and expertise.

During the initial pool condition assessment, our skilled technicians thoroughly examine the water chemistry and ensure that your pool's pH levels are balanced and the chlorine content is at its optimal level for a safe and enjoyable swimming experience. Water chemistry is a crucial aspect of pool maintenance, as it directly affects the clarity, cleanliness, and safety of your swimming pool.

The use of diatomaceous earth in our pool cleaning and filtering process ensures that your pool water remains pristine and free from contaminants. It enhances the efficiency of the filtration system and helps to maintain optimal water quality.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I clean my pool myself?

Absolutely! Cleaning your own pool is achievable with the right knowledge and tools. Start by learning about basic pool chemistry, proper filtration maintenance, and essential cleaning techniques. If you're unsure, consult a professional for initial guidance.

Why is my pool still dirty after cleaning?

Could be several reasons! Check if your filter is running efficiently and cleaning cycle is adequate. Test and adjust water chemistry, as imbalanced levels can hinder cleaning effectiveness. Ensure proper circulation to spread chemicals and debris towards the filter. Sometimes, additional skimming, brushing, or vacuuming might be needed.

Can I shock pool 2 days in a row?

Go easy on the shock! Avoid back-to-back shocking unless facing severe algae blooms or cloudy water persisting despite initial treatment. Over-shocking can harm your pool surfaces and irritate swimmers. Wait at least 48 hours before considering another shock dose!

Can I use vinegar instead of muriatic acid in pool?

While vinegar has acidic properties, it's not strong enough for effective pool pH adjustment. Using vinegar might require larger quantities, making it impractical and potentially leaving a strong odor. Stick to pool-specific pH adjusters.

Should you shock or brush a pool first?

Always brush your pool before shocking it. Brushing loosens debris and algae, allowing the shock treatment to reach and effectively kill contaminants throughout the water. Shocking before brushing would only sanitize the surface layer, leaving hidden impurities.